Vestel Group of Companies ("Vestel") expects its suppliers to embrace Vestel's values and comply with all applicable laws. In addition, Vestel expects its suppliers to act in accordance with the following principles, as published on the procurement portal, which are also embraced by Vestel through the United Nations Global Compact, and take into consideration their responsibilities towards stakeholders and the environment:
- Complying with all applicable laws.
- Preventing corruption.
- Respecting the fundamental human rights of employees.
- Adhering to laws prohibiting child labor.
- Being responsible for the health and safety of employees.
- Operating in compliance with relevant environmental protection laws and international standards.
Suppliers are required to comply with all applicable national laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, as well as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and United Nations (UN) conventions.
In order to integrate a sustainable supply chain into its entire value chain, Vestel considers the compliance of its suppliers with internationally recognized environmental, social and ethical standards and Zorlu Holding AŞ Supplier Code of Conduct among its primary responsibilities. Vestel expects its suppliers and all partners with whom it has business relations to adopt the same approach and comply with legal obligations. Vestel requires its suppliers to accept the Supplier Code of Conduct published publicly on the Vestel Purchasing Portal (“” and “”) and to register with the Supplier Life Cycle Management (SLC) system, which is a supplier management system. Vestel also includes the Supplier Code of Conduct in the contracts it signs with its suppliers. Supplier Code of Conduct is available here.
Supplier Audits
Vestel follows its Supplier Selection and Evaluation Procedure for the selection of suppliers. Different criteria such as the supplier’s management systems, technological level, financial strength, supplier relations, compliance with corporate social responsibility policies and principles, environmental practices are taken into consideration. In addition, full compliance is expected on issues such as human rights, legal compliance, non-employment of child labor, equality, and non-discrimination. In 2022, SQA (Supplier Quality Assurance) audits were conducted for 228 suppliers of Vestel Elektronik and audit reports were published.
It is known that working with suppliers who are much more aware of sustainability, advanced and open to continuous improvement is critical to achieving the set targets. From this point of view, the Vestel Supplier Monitoring and Development Program was launched to enable suppliers to effectively participate in sustainability processes, understand and improve their current levels.
Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
Vestel aims to establish a sustainable business relationship with its suppliers by managing supplier relationships and logistics activities from a single point. In line with this goal, the "Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)" project was implemented in 2015. The project centralized the processes of candidate supplier application evaluation, master data management, candidate supplier approval, performance management, and risk management on a single digital platform. Over the past seven years, Vestel has managed the lifecycle of 10,216 suppliers through Supplier Lifecycle Management, achieving various benefits such as a reduction in carbon footprint and increased efficiency.