Vestel’s communication and collaborations with stakeholders constitute the key elements of its value creation model. The Company establishes dialogue with various stakeholders through various channels and integrate its stakeholders’ views into decision-making processes. Through this year’s stakeholder analysis, it reached employees, suppliers, analysts, investors, customers, authorized dealers and service providers, universities, sectoral associations and initiatives, NGOs, media and local governments and received their opinions on its sustainability material issues. Under the strategy that Vestel has shaped based on these material issues, it aims to share its performance with the public through its annual integrated reports.
Vestel participates in multi-stakeholder initiatives, take part in associations and initiatives, and contribute to the development of public policies. The Company has been playing an active role in the TUSIAD Environment and Climate Change Working Group since 2019. In addition to the main working group, it also joined the newly-established Circular Economy Subworking Group in 2020. In 2021, Vestel took part in the subworking groups of Circular Economy and Waste Management, Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and the EU and International R&D Support Programs.
Vestel closely follows developments of the European Union (EU) Green Deal. It contributes to policy development processes by taking part in activities of the TUSIAD EU Green Deal Task Force. Through Vestel Beyaz Eşya, it took over the TOBB DTM Environmental Commission Presidency in 2020. In this context, Vestel actively followed harmonization efforts of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change on environmental legislation, especially the Recycling Participation Fee (GEKAP), and took part in policy-making processes. The Company play an active role in the
working groups of various organizations, especially TURKBESD Waste Management Working Group. Vestel also became a member of APPLiA’s Consortium on Microplastics Release in 2021.
Vestel CEO is a member of TURKTRADE's board of directors.