Vestel Group of Companies (“Vestel”) attaches great importance to the protection of human rights and supports its performance in this respect with its policies and business practices.
Vestel does not engage in discriminatory practices based on gender, age, language, race, ethnic origin, physical structure, nationality, sexual orientation, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion or sect, etc., in its business relationships or recruitment processes. No different direct or indirect action is taken in the conclusion of the employment contract, in the creation, implementation and termination of the terms, due to gender or pregnancy, unless required by reasons related to the nature of the work, such as the risk of the work, the safety of the employee, or legal obligations. No gender-based pay difference applies for equal work or work of equal value. Appointments and promotions are made through objective performance criteria without discriminating on the basis of language, religion, gender, race, etc.
As Vestel, we try to extend the practices which are respectful and sensitive to human rights especially among our employees and as well as towards other stakeholders in our value chain. As a result of our understanding in this area, we do not employ any child labor or pursue forced/involuntary labor practices at Vestel.
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) through Vestel Elektronik and Vestel Beyaz Eşya and as a company that undergoes inspections and prepares reports for its compliance with UNGC, Vestel has committed itself to act in accordance with the principles established by the Compact and set an example as a model corporate citizen with its employees, dealers, suppliers, and authorized service providers.
There are no employees under the age of 18 at Vestel. Customer Social Responsibility Audits are carried out according to BSCI, ETI, SEDEX, etc., standards and no non-compliance has been detected in this regard.
At Vestel, terms of employment are made on the basis of consent, in accordance with the law. Employees work and may resign in accordance with the law. They are not exposed to any form of physical or psychological violence in the workplace. Salaries are paid in cash and on the same date each month. Employees can convey their suggestions, wishes, and complaints freely through the Vestel Corporate Portal. Employee loyalty and satisfaction are measured every two years.
All employees were provided with fringe benefits, which include transportation, meals, nursery support, scholarship opportunities for successful children via Zorlu Holding Mehmet Zorlu Foundation, marriage, maternity, and compassionate leave, cash aid, right to use the fitness center in Vestel City, discounts for Vestel-branded products and additional payments after completing postgraduate and Ph.D. programs.
As of 2020, Vestel Group of Companies continues employee development processes by providing online training opportunities, which are time- and place-independent, through various personal development and technical training modules. In 2020, 2,016 Vestel employees benefited from online trainings. 12 hours of training was provided per employee.
The 11th Vestel Management Trainee Program was held online in 2020 in collaboration with Koç University. This joint program is prepared by Vestel with the academic support of Turkey’s leading universities and aims to train newly graduated young talents as future managers.
Emerging as an employer brand project and approved in 2019 as a sustainability project, “Viva!” aims to ensure the sustainability of quality of life at work and corporate longevity by focusing on “Corporate Well-being,” which is among our sustainability targets. Vestel ensures the continuity of employee development through training activities in line with their career plans, and has also established employee clubs for Basketball, Dance, Outdoor Sports, Photography, Football, Swimming, Sailing/Water Sports, Airsoft Milsim, Martial Arts, Theater, Tennis, Music, Running, and Motor Sports.
By the “Sparks Movement” launched in 2019 within the scope of “Increasing Corporate Volunteer Work,” it is aimed that all volunteering projects are gathered under a single roof and projects that have a long-term impact on society are carried out, with the social responsibility awareness that is rooted within the company culture. The Sparks Movement categorizes volunteering activities in 5 basic groups: “environment,” “children,” “people with disabilities,” “material evaluation,” and “our animal friends.”
Many projects are carried out at Vestel, where the sensitivity towards especially people with disabilities is demonstrated at every opportunity. Furthermore, Vestel recruited 20 people with mental disabilities as of the end of 2020 within the scope of the Protected Workplace for People with Mental Disabilities Project (ZEKİ) implemented by Manisa OIZ.
Within the scope of the Zorlu Holding Smart Life 2030 targets, Vestel will contribute to the group’s overall targets including:
- Investing in the future of work, and being a leader in inclusion and diversity,
- Becoming the most preferred company by employees across all industries,
- Being a pioneer in social investments and allocating 1 percent of EBITDA each year to the Sustainable Development Goals.
For more detailed information on our workforce practices and our approach to human and employee rights, please refer to the Vestel Elektronik and Vestel Beyaz Eşya Annual Reports and the United Nations Global Compact.